Monday, January 31, 2011

Science and the Emotions Conference, Feb. 24-26, 2011

Science and the Emotions:
Transnational Emotional Cultures in the United States and Western Europe After 1945

February 24-26, 2011
The Village, Conference Room A
University of California, San Diego

Register here:


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Welcome and Introduction
Armin Owzar (UCSD, History): Welcome
Frank Biess (UCSD, History): Introduction

Keynote Address
William Reddy (Duke)

Friday, February 25, 2011

I) The Historical Relationship of the Sciences and the Emotions
* Chair: Daniel Gross (UCI English)
* Uffa Jensen (Max Planck Institute, Berlin, History), “An Era of Emotional Control? Emotions in the Human and Social Sciences in the Early 20th Century“
* Otniel E. Dror (Hebrew University, History of Medicine), "Physiologies of the Extreme"
* Cathy Gere, (UCSD, History), “Neurology on Trial: the 1973 Kennedy Hearings on Human Experimentation”
* Comment: Robert Westman (UCSD, History)


II) Disciplinary Perspectives: Pedagogy, Sociology, and Economics
* Chair: Ruth Leys (Johns Hopkins, The Humanities Center)
* Dirk Schumann (University of Göttingen, History), “From Emotionality To Objectivity and Back? Emotions in German Pedagogy after 1945”
* Helena Flam (University of Leipzig, Sociology), "Sociology - From Whimsical Classical Theorizing to the Sociology of Emotions"
* Ute Frevert (Max Planck Institute, Berlin), “The Economics of Emotions”
* Comment: Audience


III) Neurosciences and the Humanities: Conflict, Cooperation, Convergence?

a) Neuroscientific Approaches to Emotions
* Chair: Tal Golan (UCSD, History)
* Stephanie Preston (University of Michigan, Neuroscience), “The Neurophysiology of Emotion: A Dynamic Systems View"
* Willam Mobley (UCSD, Neuroscience), “The Brain Basis of Empathy”
* Comment: Audience


b) Perspectives from the Humanities
* Chair: Frank Biess (UCSD, History)
* Ruth Leys (Johns Hopkins University, The Humanities Center), "'Both of Us Disgusted in My Insula': The New Science of Emotional Empathy"
* Daniel M. Gross (UCI, English), “Defending the Humanities with Charles Darwin’s The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals”
* David Pederson (UCSD, Anthropology), “Brain-Mind-Culture-History: Toward a Relationally Dynamic Perspective in the Era of Neoliberal 'Globalization'
* Comment: Audience

Saturday, February 26, 2011

IV) Emotions, Science, and Race
* Chair: Helena Flam (Univ. of Leipzig, Sociology)
* Nayan Shah (UCSD, History), “Emotions and Non-violent Resistance Movements in the 20th Century"
* Jordanna Bailkin (University of Washington, History), “Decolonizing Emotion: The Science of Affect in the New World Order"
* Roddey Reid (UCSD, Literature), "Affect and Everyday Life: Gilles Deleuze and Brian Massumi"
* Comment: Pamela Radcliff (UCSD, History)


V) Case Studies 1: Emotions in Holocaust Historiography
* Chair: Ute Frevert (Berlin, MPI, History)
* Alon Confino (University of Virginia), “The Third Reich of Emotions”
* Judith Hughes (UCSD, History), “Interpreting the Holocaust: The Revival of Psychological History”
* Armin Owzar (UCSD, History), “Emotions in Holocaust Historiography”
* Comment: Deborah Hertz (UCSD, History)


VI) Case Studies 2: Fear and Anxiety in War and Postwar
* Chair: Otniel Dror (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
* Rebecca Plant (UCSD, History), “Combat Exhaustion Among American Soldiers in World War II”
* Bettina Hitzer (Max Planck Institute, Berlin), “Cancerous Emotions in Germany”
* Claudia Koonz, (Duke, History), “Ethnic Panic in Germany and Western Europe”
* Comment: Michael Schuering (UC-Berkeley, History)


Final Discussion

Sponsored by:

Division of Arts & Humanities, UC San Diego

Fritz Thyssen Foundation

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Department of History, UC San Diego

Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies (IICAS)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

2011 IICAS Human Rights Fellowship - Application deadline March 7, 2011

The Institute for International, Comparative and Area Studies (IICAS) is pleased to announce the 4th annual student competition for human rights fellowships. Successful applicants for the 2011 UC Human Rights Fellowship will receive $4,500 for summer internships with a human rights organization.

Information and application instructions may be found at the IICAS home page or at the following website:

Applications are due no later than 3pm Monday, March 7th, 2011.

UCLA Winter 2011 colloquium schedule

UCLA Winter 2011 History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Colloquium Schedule

All talks are held in Bunche 5288 at 4pm.

January 10 – NO COLLOQUIUM

January 17 – NO COLLOQUIUM—Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

January 24 –Tanja Paulitz, University of Graz

“The Origin of ‘Technological Man’? Gendered Tales of the Modern Engineer's Prehistory”

January 31 – William Rankin, Yale University

“From Representation to Infrastructure: International Mapping Projects and the Logic of Territory after World War II”

Feb. 7: No colloquium

Feb. 14: Tiago Saraiva will present the talk originally scheduled for the previous week:

" F. J. Turner for Fascists: The Production/circulation of Standardized

Sheep and Frontier Settlement in the Empires of Hitler, Mussolini and


February 21 – NO COLLOQUIUM—President’s Day Holiday

February 28 – Marta Macedo, UCLA Center for Society and Genetics

"Inventing the Cocoa Islands: Science and the Portuguese Colonial Landscape”

March 7 – Norton Wise, UCLA

"Pegasus and the Muses of Art, Science, and Industry."

(pre-circulated paper)

This schedule will also shortly be posted on our website:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

CFP: 2011 4S meeting in Cleveland

Society for Social Studies of Science [4s]

Re the 2011 4s meeting in Cleveland

[joint meeting with HSS and SHOT]

"The 4S conference welcomes papers, session proposals, and events that are

innovative in their delivery, organization, range of topics, type of public,

and which bring new resources to the STS community to explore these new

relations and themes. Apart from traditional research papers, the 4S conference

also welcomes proposals for sessions and papers using new media or other forms

of new presentation."

The 2011 4S Program Chair is

Roli Varma, School of Public Administration, University of New Mexico

_Harbingers of Global Change:

India's Techno-Immigrants in the United States_ [Lexington Books, 2006]^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0739114581

Future 4s meetings:

2012 Copenhagen, joint meeting with EASST

[European Association for Studies of Science and Technology]

2013 San Diego, Oct 6-13 2013

2014 Buenos Aires

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Donna Haraway at UC Irvine's Wellek Lecture Series, May 2,3, and 5

From: Lisa Clark

I am writing to remind you of the upcoming Wellek Lecture Series for 2011. Professor Emerita Donna Haraway will be our speaker.

There will be a pre-Wellek reading group session on Wednesday, April 27, 2011, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm, in Krieger Hall Room 434 (the CTI conference room). Professor Haraway's recommended preparatory texts will soon be on the CTI website for easy access. Light refreshments will be served. If you wish to participate in the discussion, which is open to all, please notify me by April 1.

Professor Haraway's lectures will take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, May 2, 3 and 5, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, in Humanities Gateway Room 1030. A reception in honor of Professor Haraway will follow the Monday lecture, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, in Humanities Gateway Room 1010.

We look forward to welcoming Professor Bruno Latour to UCI for the 2012 Wellek Lectures. Dates and venue will be announced in the coming months.

If you have any questions about CTI events, please feel free to contact me.

Best wishes,
Lisa Clark
Administrative Coordinator
Critical Theory Institute
University of California - Irvine
433 Murray Krieger Hall
Irvine, CA 92697
949-824-5583 phone
949-824-2767 fax

Kavita Philip
UC Irvine

CFP: 11th Annnual STGlobal conference

Abstracts are welcome for the 11th Annual STGlobal conference on "Science and Technology in Society" until midnight, your local time, on January 31, 2011. The conference is April 15-16, 2011, in Washington, DC. Please click here or see the attached file for conference details and submission guidelines.

Modest cash prizes will be awarded for the Best Paper presented in each of the conference's 15 panels. We hope you will consider submitting an abstract.

Best regards,
STGlobal Organizing Committee

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh

News from Center for Philosophy of Science

We are celebrating 50 years of the Annual Lecture Series .

We welcome new visitors: Jose Diez, Elisabeth Nemeth, Laura Perini, and John Worrall.

Speakers this month are: Nicholas Rescher, Laura Perini, Elisabeth Nemeth, and David Danks. See calendar for details.

Call for papers for Epistemology of Modeling and Simulation: Building Research Bridges between the Philosophical Modeling Communities

Interested in visiting?
See our Postdoctoral and our Visiting Fellows Programs .

So what's it like?

Center for Philosophy of Science
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
James G. Lennox, Interim Director
John D. Norton, Director (currently on sabbatical leave)

For all inquiries or to be removed from our email list,

Winter 2011 STS-related talks in Greater Los Angeles

For your information: some winter 2011 STS-related talks

@ Claremont Colleges, UCLA, USC.

+ Some STS talks at the University of Southern California [USC]

Sun 16 Jan: CategoricallyNot! On the Topic of NANO

Tues 22 Feb: The Infrastructural Human: Transportation Systems

+ Some STS talks at Claremont Colleges

February 22 or March 1: Noel Swerdow, Emeritus, Univ of Chicago, and Visiting

Professor, Caltech

Details to follow.

March 8: Ed Krupp, Director, Griffith Observatory

Times Up a talk about the Maya calendar. Details to follow

March: Jarita Holbrook, Center for Near Eastern Studies, University of Arizona

Details to follow.

+ Some STS-related talks at UCLA Winter Quarter 2011

* Jacob Marschak Interdisciplinary Colloquium Series

Anderson School of Management

1-3pm Friday 28 Jan 2011, Entrepreneurs Hall, 3rd Floor, Room C301, UCLA David

Goodstein, Emeritus Professor, Physics & Applied Physics, Caltech

_On Fact and Fraud: Cautionary Tales from the Front Lines of Science_

[Princeton, 2010] See table of contents and Chapter One at

* Program on Understanding Law, Science, and Evidence

Thur 3 March Symposium on Implicit Bias in the Courtroom

* Center for Society & Genetics events

3:30pm Thur 13 January at 2125 Rolfe Hall

Jennifer Reardon, Sociology, UCSC

Reflections on the Science and Publics of Personal Genomics

3:30pm Thur 3 February at 2125 Rolfe Hall

Koichi Mikami, Sokendai Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan

4-7 Friday; 10-3 Saturday, February 25 & 26, Fowler Auditorium

Symposium: Made for Each Other? Dog and Human Co-evolution

* Information Studies Colloquium Series, all in GSEIS Building, room 111

3-5 Thurs 24 Feb Sharon Traweek, Women's Studies/History, Ucla

Intersectionality and Border Crossings in Databases

3-5 Thurs 10 March Kavita Phillip, Women's Studies, and Director, Critical

Theory Institute, UC Irvine

Technoscience and the Postcolonial Question

* History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Colloquium Series

All in Bunche Hall 5288 at 4pm.

January 24 Tanja Paulitz, Sociology, University of Graz

The Origin of Technological Man? Gendered Tales of the Modern Engineer's


January 31 William Rankin, History of Science & Medicine Program, Yale From Representation to Infrastructure:

International Mapping Projects and the Logic of Territory after World War II

February 7 Tiago Saraiva, Institute for Social Sciences, University of Lisbon

F.J. Turner for Fascists:

The Production/circulation of Standardized Sheep and Frontier Settlement in the

Empires of Hitler, Mussolini and Salazar

February 14 Chloe Silverman, STS/Bioethics/Women's Studies,

Pennsylvania State University

Love Is Not Enough: Bruno Bettelheim, Infantile Autism and Psychoanalytic

Childhoods (co-sponsored by UCLA Medical Classics)

February 28 Marta Macedo, UCLA Center for Society and Genetics & University of


Inventing the Cocoa Islands: Science and the Portuguese Colonial Landscape

March 7 Norton Wise, History, UCLA

"Pegasus and the Muses of Art, Science, and Industry" pre-circulated paper

Call for Papers - Soldiering: The Afterlife of a Modern Experience



The Afterlife of a Modern Experience

The Annual Interdisciplinary Humanities Graduate Student Conference

The Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard University, April 23-24, 2011

Soldiering has long been considered a central organizing experience of modern life. With the invention of conscription in the 1680s, the consequent multiplication of national standing-armies, and the coupling of soldiering with citizenship, the individual and aristocratic warrior was replaced by the democratic and collective figure of “the soldier of the revolution.” His body no longer marked by the natural signs of strength, courage and pride, the soldier had become, by the late eighteenth century, something that can be made. Disciplined en masse through standardized military programs that mimicked the constancy of the factory, soldiers were not only manufactured; for two centuries they themselves embodied the labor power envisioned in manufacturing new political orders at home and across the vast imperial landscape. The two world wars, quintessential displays of modern soldiering, were arguably also the last of their kind, and marked both the culmination and the end of soldiering as a near universal experience, social institution, and political subjectivity.

Juxtaposed with and against these historical prefigurations, this two-day conference wishes to examine the gradual disintegration of the Soldier-Subject in the postwar period and the ‘afterlife’ forms of modern soldiering, from the early days of the Cold War to the current manifestations of the ‘Global War on Terror’. What happens to soldiering when armies are privatized and corporations take over the state’s “dirty business of war”? When “irregular,” “asymmetric,” “low-intensity” warfare is the order of the day? When the once politically significant distinction between soldier and civilian is destabilized in the now prevalent theaters of “ethnic conflict”? When technical experts become soldiers and human soldiers are gradually replaced by technological systems, such as unmanned drones and armed robots? How have these contemporary forms of soldiering influenced social, economic and political realities? And how do they contribute to the increased ethical isolation of war and conflict?

We seek rich, rigorous graduate student contributions from across the academic spectrum and across historical periods. Through soldiering, this conference aims to provide a locus for rewriting conventional military and political histories, revisiting anthropological accounts of violence and the state, and expanding the definition of warfare – both temporally and spatially. Themes may include:

· From “Cannon Fodder” to “Enhanced Survivability”: The Birth of the Vulnerable Soldier

· ‘Shell-Shock,’ PTSD and Mental Preparedness: Trauma Culture and Its Aftermath

· Army Alpha, Army Beta: Screening, Selection, and the Making of Military Kinds

· From Ethical Lapses to Professional Failings: Soldiering as a Vocation

· Enlightened Occupiers: From ‘Hearts and Minds’ to the Human Terrain Teams

· Armies for Hire: Privatized Defense and Corporate Warfare

· ‘Accidental Guerillas,’ Child-Soldiers, and Other Paramilitaries

· International Soldiers: Military Humanitarianism, Peace Corps, and Human Rights Training

· Identity Politics Goes to War: From ‘Blue Discharge’ to ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and Beyond

· The Paris-Match Saluting “Negro” and Other Mythologies: the Soldier as Signifier

· Reorganizing the Military-Industrial Complex: New Media and Warfare Simulation

The conference’s keynote speaker will be Sharon Ghamari-Tabrizi, an independent scholar, author of The Worlds of Herman Kahn: the Intuitive Science of Thermonuclear War (Harvard University Press, 2005), and a specialist on the cultural history of American Cold War military science and technology.

Prospective participants are asked to write a 600 word abstract that outlines the paper’s topic, methodology, and argument, as well as how the prospective participant’s research interests relate to the theme of soldiering more generally. Participants will be notified by early March whether their paper has been accepted into the conference. Please note that participants may be eligible to receive full or partial stipends for transportation to the conference.

Abstract Submission Deadline: February 15, 2011

Abstracts can be uploaded on the conference website: (under the “Submissions” tab). Please make sure to include the following information: full name, institutional affiliation, the title of your paper, and contact details.