Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Society for the Social History of Medicine 2014 Conference: Call for Papers

Society for the Social History of Medicine 2014 Conference: Disease, Health, and the State
10-12 July 2014
Oxford, UK

Call for Papers
Considering all topics relevant to the history of medicine but the 2014 committee encourages proposals for papers, sessions, and round-tables that examine, challenge, and refine the history of disease, health and the state.   Suggested themes include local and global understandings of health, medicine, and governance; the consolidation, breakdown, or absence of state power in the midst of health and medical crises; and the experience of health and medical bureaucracies in the past.   From discussions on the health of the body politic, the role of public health in imperial governance, the nature of military medicine, environmental regulations, to socialized medicine, we welcome approaches from a variety of disciplines and time periods.  However, submissions are not restricted to any area of study, and the committee welcomes proposals on a range of subjects relevant to the history of medicine, from the history of health and disease to the history of medical care.
The committee encourages proposals advancing innovative thinking based on new research.  Paper submissions should include a 250-word abstract and a short CV.  Panel submissions should include three papers (each with a 250-word abstract and short CV), a chair, and a 100-word panel abstract.  Round-table submissions should include the names of four participants (each with a short CV), a chair, and a 500-word abstract.
Submissions should be sent to: sshm2014@wuhmo.ox.ac.uk.
Call closes: 1 January 2014

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